We’re walking for dementia

Over the next 12 months, the No Brainer team will be taking part in activities to raise cash for charities close to our hearts.

First on the list is Lauren’s chosen charity, Alzheimer’s Society. Have a read of her story below.

Written by Lauren. Her nan is currently diagnosed with dementia.

Croxteth Park in Liverpool holds a lot of memories for me. I live locally to this beautiful park and as a little girl, I’d visit regularly with family, spending endless hours discovering the woods, visiting the farm and playing ‘Pooh-Sticks’ in the stream.

This September, the park is playing host to the Alzheimer’s Society’s ‘Memory Walk’ to help create a world without dementia, and we, as a team at No Brainer, will be taking part.

People take part in the walk for so many reasons. They walk in memory, in support and in unison – for us, it’s a combination that’s motivated us to become involved.

For me, some of my fondest recollections in Croxteth Park, involve my nan, who unfortunately, is currently suffering with dementia. She’s the reason I’m walking. She’s 81 years young and over the past few years, has become more affected by this heart-breaking condition, day by day.

It’s incredibly hard to see a woman who is still so full of life in every other way, struggle so much when it comes to remembering the day’s goings on or conversations she had only 10 minutes before. It’s isolating and frightening and is something so many families tragically experience.

Mentally, dementia is an incredibly debilitating condition and though medication is currently available (my nan has been taking tablets for around three years now and whilst they can’t cure her illness, they’ve certainly slowed the affects down), hopefully in years to come, there will be further developments to help the 850,000 people with dementia in the UK.

That’s why this walk is so important. It’s a wonderful way of raising vital funds and awareness. Just £50 will pay for a PhD researcher to continue investigating the causes of dementia, how it can be treated and hopefully work towards a cure; whilst £100 could fund the equipment and resources needed for three days of research. The money donated really is saving lives.

So, if the Alzeihmer’s Society is a cause you’d like to contribute to, please do consider sponsoring us. We’re extremely grateful of any donation and truly believe we’re walking towards a world without dementia. Thanks so much for your help!

Donate here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/no-brainer-fundraising

Picture of Lee Cullen
Lee Cullen
Having worked in-house and agency-side, I have almost 15 years’ experience working in various marketing and communications roles. With an AMEC gold certificate in measurement and evaluation so I’m always looking to show outcomes and prove the impact of our work.
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