Delivering organic growth for Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership is a government-backed scheme that helps people buy their own home by purchasing a share in the property and paying rent on the other part. Places for People wanted to make their Shared Ownership offering more visible on organic search.

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The brief

Places for People have a fantastic, affordable Shared Ownership solution that enables people to get onto the property ladder. They already had an existing page, but it wasn’t as visible as they’d like – they briefed us with a new ‘Shared Ownership’ campaign to drive performance.

The team at No Brainer was asked to review the current page and come back with what the page needed to look like, its structure, and ultimately rewrite/optimise the content to drive an increase in performance.

We had a 3 month window of time to deliver the work and start driving results.

What we did

  • Analysed competing Shared Ownership provider content that are ranking highly for key terms
  • Wireframe how the SO page should be structured
  • Identified the keywords we’d be targeting and likely to rank for
  • We identified the need for ‘local’ pages based on search demand that Places for People could tap into
  • Wireframed local pages
  • Created in-depth content for the central/hub SO page along with the local pages
  • Wrote detailed blogs on/around the Shared Ownership topic that linked to the key page

The results

Within 3 months of the campaign going live:

  • 8x pieces of highly optimised content
  • Average positions increased by +22.7 places
  • Impressions increase by +53%
  • Clicks to the campaign saw an increase of +68%
  • Organic traffic increase by +59%
  • New Users increased by +72%

As part of our work with Places for People, we also:

  • Created a template that works – providing a framework for success beyond this campaign
  • Updated the location of these key pages to make them easily found and indexed
  • Audited internal links to ensure related pages linked to the Shared Ownership hub
  • Upskilled and collaborated with a wide variety of stakeholders

Couple looking at their new home

Places for People logo - white

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